Friday, November 18, 2011

Drum roll please.....

Well, we found out that our precious baby that we are going to adopt is a BABY BOY!! Of course Michael is very excited :) We have decided on the name Landon Michael!
We have been getting more prepared now that we have a name and know the gender. It all is seeming a bit more real! This weekend our nursery-to-be is going to be completely cleared out. Next step--painting!!
We are still so fortunate to be able to spend time with the birth mother and her family. It has been truly a blessing that we have gotten to know them and to be able to see all the ways that God moves in our lives and interconnects us with many other people. His plans truly are greater than any we could imagine for ourselves.
As we still have several months to go until we get to hold Landon (he is due in April), please pray for both Michael and myself as we prepare our home and that we trust in the Lord to financially and emotionally to support us. This has been such a stressful process and an emotional rollercoaster, but God is always good and is always reliable. He will get us through this. Please also continue to pray for Landon's birth mother. I can never ever thank her enough for this gift that she is giving us.  I pray that the Lord comforts her and holds her in His hands. I pray that she and her family be continually supported and surrounded by friends and family throughout this process.
Thank you to all of you who have been so amazing and supportive!