Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Gift of a Child

As with every Christmas season, I am reminded of the ultimate gift that God has blessed us with--his son. We see the lights on trees, the big sales and shoppers, Santa on every corner and in every store, kids laughing, throwing open presents, and ripping off bows on Christmas morning.  It is so easy to be caught up in this simplicity. The sheer fact of being with family is enough to make for a great day, but that's not all that this day is about.

God has given us this precious gift of a son. This Son has been a comfort in my life in many seasons and circumstances that I cannot even begin to count. As Michael and I prepare our hearts and our home for the gift of another son, I continually pray that I can trust in God and his plans for our lives! He never promises that being a Christian is easy, but He does promise that it is worth it. The process of this adoption has helped me to grow so much in the past 6 months. I have learned to relinquish so much of the control that I strive for. I trust God in all aspects of my life--emotionally, spiritually, physically, and especially financially. As our expectations are increasing, my worries and anxieties are decreasing. I know that this is something that only God can handle, so I have turned it over to Him!
I find that I really cling to James 1:27, "Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles..." As we try to answer this calling in our lives, please continue to pray for us, the birth family, and of course our precious Landon Michael.

I recently read an article written by Steven Curtis Chapman. One quote in particular stood out to me: "In simple obedience to the One who gave His life so that we might live eternally, we should desire to abandon all we know for the unknown of giving our lives away for Him. Not just feeding the hungry, but entering into their hunger with them. Not just clothing them, but experiencing what it is like to want for basic necessities. Not just appeasing our conscience by writing a check, but by actually entering into their reality, a reality that needs to see Jesus."

This year, as we begin a new adventure, my heart's prayer is that my little family may begin to abandon the unknown and just give our lives to Him. We never know what is around the next corner, but I know that I have a faith which is stronger than seeing. God, help us to really hear you and obey.